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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 7 months ago

Thank you for your interest in

Envisioning Education

a free event sponsored by ACASE

All we ask that you bring is a genuine desire to improve Education...



Envisioning Education is about revitalizing education and re-envisioning the possibilities. Do you have ideas about creating a curriculum, method of teaching or even method of testing that you believe surpasses anything in use today? We hope that you do, and we'd like to help you share your ideas.


Envisioning Education is an "unconference" event. The general structure of the event was created by the grassroots technology community to foster the sharing and rapid exchange of ideas... while keeping everything as interesting as possible. There is no pre-set agenda and those interested in coming are both the audience as well as the presenters. Multiple presentations will take place at once, allowing attendees to allocate their time to what most suits their own interests or priorities. We hope to meet you there!

When is it scheduled?

February 23, 2008 8:30am - 5:30pm



110-112 Spring Street, Saratoga Springs, New York


Registration and Presentation Suggestions

Please add yourself to the attendee list and




Wireless networking will be available on-site for wireless-equipped computers. The wireless routers on-site will support 802.11g and 802.11b, also known as WiFi.


From the South

Take Interstate 87 North to exit 14. At the end of the ramp, bear right. Go straight until you reach Court Street. Turn right. Go one block to the corner of Court and Spring Streets. Parking available behind 112 Spring Street, entrance is on Court Street, just before the corner.


MapQuest Map of 110-112 Spring Street

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